Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-08-03 at 13:08 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>> Hiisi wrote:
>>> No, it won't. I'm running finnish interface. CUPS logs are in pure
>>> english. But many other things in terminal or in boot stage are in finnsh.
>> Maybe you should file a request for enhancement to get log messages
>> messages in the system language instead of English. It is something
>> that needs to be done, but if nobody asks for it, it will not get
>> done... There is also a need for people to translate messages into
>> other languages.
> I work almost entirely in a Spanish-speaking environment, but I've
> actually found that most computer professionals are much happier with
> system messages and logs in English and many prefer even menus to be in
> English. Maybe that varies according to which part of the world we're
> talking about, but the fact that the English-language messages are
> standardized is a huge factor (e.g. you can look them up in Google).
> Another factor is the wildly variant translations one finds for the same
> terminology across different apps and translators.
> Having the option is probably good, but it's interesting that localizing
> these kinds of messages can actually impede comprehension.
> <insert comparison with medieval Latin or diplomatic French here>
> poc
I stand corrected. You have reminded me of some of the strange
translations of tech manuals written in other languages into
English. I especially like the earth wire. (Ground wire.)

I have to admit being limited to English. I have forgotten the
French and German I learned years ago...


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