stan wrote:
> Your description and question aren't completely clear to me, but I'll
> try to answer.  I think you're saying you can browse the internet with
> your computer and F10 over your dial up line, and you want to browse the
> internet via F10 and the dial up line using your cell phone too.
> I think if you want to do that, you have to get a bluetooth device for
> your computer, and then install the Fedora tools for bluetooth (bluez?).
> Your cellphone has to be bluetooth capable as well.  And the cellphone
> has to have a browser.  Then you have to configure everything to work
> together.  I don't have or use this, but that's how I understand the
> process.  Maybe someone else has direct experience or this exact setup
> and can advise you more accurately.
It is also possible that their is a data cable for the phone so you
can use it as a modem. Not that I know enough about his setup to be


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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