On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 19:08 -0700, Skunk Worx wrote:
> If I right-click the item and select "Open Containing Folder" it pops
> up an application named "Launch Application" and it makes the
> statement "This link needs to be opened with an application. Send to:"
> and I can choose / remember choice / cancel.
> I think this used to work in F10 but now the association fails. I was 
> hoping it would bring up in "File Browser".
> Is there a specific place to fix this?

If it's the same thing as an older problem, then you've probably
associated opening folders with another application, instead of the
usual thing happening (Nautilus opening a list of the folder, on Gnome,
and KDE doing something similar).  If so, you could try the following:

On your desktop, or in a file browser, right-click on a folder, open the
properties for it, and change the open-with preference to something more

It was common, and perhaps still is, to suffer that problem if you
right-clicked on a folder, and opened the folder with something like a
music player, or picture viewer program.  It became a permanent setting,
rather than something that only happened there and then.

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