On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 15:08 +0930, Tim wrote:
> Tim:
> >> Do you *just* mean doing a "kernel upgrade" or do you mean an upgrade
> >> and *using* the new kernel, too?
> Dave Stevens:
> > yes, both. Last reboot on the old serevr beside me was 148 days ago
> > and three kernel updates that I recall.
> Interesting!  I didn't know CentOS was able to do that, I'd only seen
> discussions about how that sort of thing might be done in Linux, without
> a reference to something that actually did it.
> Is the feature standard, or requires special treatment?  I'm getting
> close to setting up a new box with CentOS for the main server, and
> wouldn't mind being able to do that.

I'm sure a lot of us would like to know. AFAIK CentOS is based on RHEL
and I haven't seen any news of the latter being able to do this. I also
see nothing about it on the CentOS website, where I would expect such a
major feature to be displayed prominently.

Note that ksplice supports CentOS. Is that what we're talking about?


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