On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 01:06:34PM -0200, Andre Costa wrote:
> Hi,
> it's been 2 months already[1] since Apple has changed the way they stream
> trailers from Apple.com/trailers, and ever since totem chokes on it.
> According to the last comment[2] on that post, this issue has already been
> fixed on gecko-mediaplayer. Any plans on implementing a similar fix on totem
> as well, considering it is the default media player plugin shipped by
> Fedora?
> For the record: I blame this totally on Apple, and it sucks to play catch
> up, but it's not the first time this happens, and it won't be the last
> either...
> BTW: I know there's a workaround involving wget and a custom user-agent id,
> but it's somewhat cumbersome, and it's annoying that this is taking so long
> to be fixed (even considering it's not a totem bug per se).

I agree that it's a total pain in the neck.

On the Centos list I was given this url:


which takes you to a discussion that tells you how to fix the problem 
using the firefox user agent switcher add-on.

It works on my Centos box, but I tried the same on F11 on my eeepc and
it didn't solve it there. I make no guarantees, but you may want to look
into it 'cause maybe you'll be the lucky one where it works! :)

---- Fred Smith -- fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
                        The Lord is like a strong tower. 
             Those who do what is right can run to him for safety.
--------------------------- Proverbs 18:10 (niv) -----------------------------

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