Todd Zullinger wrote:

>> Concretely, I want yum to look first in /var/cache/yum/updates on my
>> laptop, then in alfred:/var/cache/yum/updates on a local machine,
>> and then in the remote repository.
> Why would you want yum to look in /var/cache/yum/updates on the local
> system?

I just assumed that yum did look there first
(I don't think yum goes to the remote repository
if the RPM is already in the local directory?),
and I was suggesting that a second option should be added.

> The only thing that should be there are things already
> installed.  Or do you install and remove things frequently?

I install frequently, but remove rarely.

>> I've looked at a couple of the sites mentioned in this thread, and I
>> am afraid the instructions are simply too complicated to follow.
>> (The document you mention seems to have over 100 pages, which to me
>> is information over-kill.)
> I'm sorry that the information isn't presented in small enough bites
> for your taste.  The section on creating a private mirror is only a
> few paragraphs and links to IntelligentMirror if you'd rather check
> that out.

I don't think I really want to create a private mirror,
which sounds rather complicated.
The default of running "yum update" on my small menagerie
is quite acceptable;
any alternative would have to be almost as simple.

As to supplying information in small bites,
that is indeed probably what I want.
A document that contains the answer to every question in the universe
is only slightly more useful than a document that contains nothing.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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