Linuxguy123 wrote:
> I'm perplexed by the posts I am seeing regarding F12 upgrades.  Lots of
> upgrade issues and darn faint praise as far as I can tell ?
Normally, the folks not having problems don't feel the urge to type. 
Those having problems feel the need to type.  :-0
> I was expecting a totally different response.
> Is F12 stable enough to warrant upgrading to it ?
> Is it a worthwhile upgrade at this point ?
I did a fresh install of F12 with 0 problems.

I also upgraded a fully updated F11 system to F12 with 0 problems.  So,
far...not problems with either systems.

But, I must admit that I don't do "interesting" things on these
systems.  I don't install non-Fedora or customized kernels.  I don't
replace Fedora or rpmfusion packages with packages from other places.  I
prefer to use the nvidia drivers directly from nvidia.

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