On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 18:01 +0000, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> On Monday 14 December 2009 16:58:36 R. G. Newbury wrote:
> > At a console enter:
> > 'service NetWorkManager stop'
> I guess that should read 'service NetworkManager stop'. Note the small w 
> compared to the capital W. These things are case-sensitive, and can lead to 
> problems if one is not careful. :-)

I hate this kind of nonsense. Either the basic utilities (including yum,
rpm, repoquery etc.) should be case-insensitive (which wouldn't be Unixy
enough for some people) or the packages should use only lower-case
names. Lower case is good enough for the frakking *kernel* ferchrissake.
What makes NM so special?


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