Mail Lists wrote:
> On 12/27/2009 01:09 PM, Marc Wilson wrote:
>> <deleted>
>> Someone explain to me why it matters, please?
>   Coz if the server can only process N messages per day - there will be
> a backup problem ... and messages will eventually get deleted before
> they get mailed out.
>   That help?
Of course a given message, by default, would have to remain in the queue
for 4320 minutes before it is declared non-deliverable.  Somehow I think
the list admins would notice message delays and queue depths that would
result in messages becoming non-deliverable and take the appropriate action.

When I saw a sign on the freeway that said, "Los Angeles 445 miles," I
said to myself, "I've got to get out of this lane." -- Franklyn Ajaye
Guess Who!

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