On 12/29/2009 03:52 PM, Florian Gerstenberger wrote:
> On 12/08/2009 08:20 PM, Jason Ish wrote:
>> After upgrading to F12 and trying out Nouveau, it doesn't appear that it
>> supports multiple nvidia video cards which means I need to drop back to the
>> nvidia blob drivers, fair enough.  However, once I get that up and running X
>> locks up while gnome loads.  Its fine with multiple displays on one card,
>> its when I enable the output on the second card that things go back.
>> So far I've been unable to get anything out of the logs - even if I ssh in
>> while X is locked, there is nothing there of interest.
>> Anyone have any ideas?  I'd be happy to use Nouveau if I could just get a
>> second X session out of it.  Would work fine for me since I generally run a
>> virtual machine full screen on one of the 3 displays.
>> Anyone running into similar issues?
>> Thanks.
> Hi Jason,
> i am experiencing the same problems as you.
> I have 2 Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT in my PC. 2 TFT's are connected to the
> first card, a single TFT is connected to the second card.
> All three Displays were running fine using Xinerama with Fedora 11.
> After upgrading to Fedora 12 i am able to use the 2 Displays connected
> to the first card.
> As soon as i enable the third display, X would load but the System
> crashes if i move the mouse. Sometimes the Machine isn't even pingable
> after that anymore.
> I already tried to build a new xorg.conf with the nvidia-settings tool,
> but the result is the same as if i use my old xorg.conf (which was
> usable under Fedora 11).
> I think that it could have something to do with the newer X-Server of
> Fedora 12. I think that the Nvidia Driver doesnt fit to that X-Server
> version, but i might be wrong.
> I just checked the Nvidia Website for new beta drivers and found a new
> version - 195.30 (released on 23rd of December). I will try this version
> later.
> Regards, Florian


unfortunately still no luck, even with the latest beta drivers from
nvidia. :-(



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