On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Sebastian
Vahl<deadbaby...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> x86_64 images (around 40 megs). The slighlty different package list couldn't
> explain this (i.e. atlas-sse (i686) vs. atlas (x86_64) is the only important
> difference).
> So I've compared the sizes of the installed packages (rpm -qa --qf "%{name}
> {size}\n" | sort -nr). Many packages are different in size but the kernel does
> have the biggest difference:
> i686: 78453688
> x86_64: 103736431

I haven't tested extensively just yet, but in a conversation with
Kevin Fenzi the other day he noted that the 64-bit version of the Xfce
spin was inflated by ~35MB or so because of dracut which is something
we might need to adress with the dracut guys/gals/team/whatever. I
don't know if the 32-bit version of the Xfce spin is also effected or
not just yet, the compose I did on Monday I don't believe included
dracut so I can't really say this is it for sure ... just something I
thought I'd mention.


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