Am Thu, 13 Aug 2009 09:12:17 -0500
schrieb Adam Miller <>:

> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Sebastian
> Vahl<> wrote:
> <snip>
> > x86_64 images (around 40 megs). The slighlty different package list
> > couldn't explain this (i.e. atlas-sse (i686) vs. atlas (x86_64) is
> > the only important difference).
> > So I've compared the sizes of the installed packages (rpm -qa --qf
> > "%{name} {size}\n" | sort -nr). Many packages are different in size
> > but the kernel does have the biggest difference:
> > i686: 78453688
> > x86_64: 103736431
> <snip>
> I haven't tested extensively just yet, but in a conversation with
> Kevin Fenzi the other day he noted that the 64-bit version of the Xfce
> spin was inflated by ~35MB or so because of dracut which is something
> we might need to adress with the dracut guys/gals/team/whatever. I
> don't know if the 32-bit version of the Xfce spin is also effected or
> not just yet, the compose I did on Monday I don't believe included
> dracut so I can't really say this is it for sure ... just something I
> thought I'd mention.

Thanks, that was really helpful! First I've thought I've busted my
build system. But it seems that I'm not the only one with this problem.
But that my test spin of the gnome images seems not to be effected is a
bit curious. I think I have to compare the package lists of the i686 and
x86_64 version more closely.

> -Adam


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