Hi Hideyo,
It can be really hard to decide on a trip to the vet when kitty is doing well; especially if the kitty is feral.
I think bloodwork can be so important, though; it can alert us to very slight changes over time that produce no symptoms.  It's really a tough call; maybe plan to take her in a month or so as long as she continues to do well? 
Sorry; I guess that's not much help, but I do empathize with you because I go through the same thing!  Anyone with a skittish animal does, whether they are postive or not!
Regarding the injection conversation you heard, I've heard that, too, but have not actually read the study.  I feel like something must be missing, however, because if it was simply the trauma of injection that was causing these sarcomas wouldn't we logically expect to see diabetic cats with a high rate of cancer?  
Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After going back and forth, I decided not to take Ginger to her appointment yesterday after all.  She has been doing well, and I wanted to minimize any chances of stressing her if I could avoid it.  She is a feral cat, and she is extremely skittish and I guess, since she has been doing so well, I did not want anything to change that –


That’s said, do you guys think that I should still get her checked up by my vet?  Her tongue (Dr. Basko tells me that the color of the tongue can be a better indication of anemia than gums sometimes – especially, ginger has a darker pigment) and gum looks good – but I would necessary know how organs are doing except that she is just doing so fantastic and I am just so proud of her –


Also, one thing I forget to mention yesterday regarding what’s suggested by Dr. Basko is that to give Ginger VB12 and folic acid possibly twice a week –


On a separate note, I have a question. I was at an animal emergency clinic this past weekend with one of others kitties – and overheard the conversation regarding vaccinations causing cancer/tumors (which I am so aware of and do not vaccine any of my cats) – but I heard the doctor saying – “well, actually there was a test/research done on this topic – and what they found out is that cancers/tumors are not caused by vaccine itself, but rather by “injections” – they did testing with a control group with saline solutions and they still found cancers/tumors from the group – which concerns me now all of sudden with V-B injections – let me know if you have any insight on this -  


"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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