Thankyou Michelle
  Yum....That sounds so good I bet my kitties will want some too..LOL
I was loosing my 15 year old siamese about the same time that Simon was fading...
She had Hyper Thyroid and was eating well but loosing weight...When we put her on thyroid
meds she lost her appetite....I gave her some boiled chopped chicken liver which she wolfed
down but then in an hour it all came back up...The vet said liver was very hard to digest and
didn't recomend it for her...
A month after that she passed....I can't help but wonder if I had continued with the liver but
not letting her eat so much at one time or if mixing with the tomato kelp make it more digestable...
I gave cooked liver becouse I often shared my cooked liver with them but one thanskiving I was
going to give them a special treat and give them some raw....but being used to cooked they wouldn't
eat it raw and I had to cook theirs anyway...Some people say there is a risk of salminila with raw
Any thoughts on my thinking ?????

Ok, here it is (it's not my recipe-- it has been floating around on these lists for years):
1 cup raw liver (chicken or beef)
1 cup fresh carrot juice, V-8, or tomato juice
1/4 cup filtered water
1 raw egg yolk
1 tsp kelp or spirulina
Blend in blender until liquid and frothy.  Give 10 cc at a time, no more than 60 cc daily (probably because of sodium and vitamin A levels).  It is a complete meal and provides all necessary nutrients, supposedly.
Three tips:
1) I halved the liver and juice to make smaller batches.
2) Simon liked it warmed and would not eat it cold. I warmed it in a bowl in the toaster oven to almost hot.
3) It smells strange so your cat may not want it at first. Put a dab on his/her mouth with your finger. When I did this with Simon the first time and he licked his lips, his eyes got all wide and he vacuumed up the rest of what was in the bowl. I had to this a few times later on also.
In a message dated 3/8/05 2:27:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I also wish you would repost the recipe for liver shake...

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