It could certainly be stress from the trip and relocation. If he came to you in that condition, who knows what his care has been like. I'm praying it isn't IBD, but it's way to soon to know that. I would keep him isolated, warm and comfortable. You might want to think about making a heating pad set on low available to him, (wrap it in bedding and allow enough room for him to escape it, if it gets too warm). Do his ears feel hot? How old is he? Give him time to calm down and adjust and keep a close eye on him. Poor little angel. Thor's very lucky to have found his way to you.

Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

Well, you guys I got one of my new kitties yesterday, it was a horrid expierence. The gal called me from KY and told me the kitty was going to get flown, I have never done that before so, I asked questions, and told her to put a blanket in with him and a washcloth over the grate, of course I would pay. When I picked Thor (he growls at everybody, the name fits, he is definately the god of thunder) up at the airport, no washcloth over the grate, no blanket just a kitchen towel. He purred in my lap all the way home...does not like anybody or anything about this house yet, he will get used to it.
So all is well I kept them seperated last night, but probally about 2 hours ago he starts vomiting, and having diahrea, so now I am at a loss, he is skinny and he came dirty and there was dirt in his ears and his coat was matted, I have combed out some and cleaned his ears, but now he is just hiding behind my desk he only comes out to puke....any thoughts....could it still be the stress of the trip?
I have one more coming next week and then I am full to capacity ;-))

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