I’m not up to replying to all the wonderful mail I’ve received. Since 5pm Friday I’ve had a total of about 6 hours sleep. Tee’s been on liquid diet every hour and other meds, so I’ve been cat napping. It’s starting to take it’s toll on me, and I’m not thinking very clearly.


Thanks Nina for the kind words, If I hurt your feelings with my reply I’m sorry.


Kyle, thanks for the ideas, but I’m not sure that it will help him.


Everyone else, Thanks for the kind words.


The clinic gave him a blood transfusion last night around 6 pm. He’s not perked up hardly any.


His official diagnosis is FeLV, Anemia, Leukopenia, fever unknown origins. And suspected Stage V Lymphoma. They gave him a few days.


He’s home an sucralfate for his mouth and throat ulcers. He can’t close his mouth they’re so painful. Buprenorphine, a mild painkiller. Will slow his heart down, but he’s in pain and if it shortens his time, so be it. 2 types of antibiotics. Prednisolone for I don’t remember what. Staying on the immune builder. Starting Transfer factor tomorrow AM and a cancer fighter supplement.


Any ideas on the cancer? Oral ulcers?




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