On my IBD list, feeding cats any veggies or grains is a big no no and will get you pounced on immediately, if you mention it.  There's nothing toxic about it as far as I know, but a lot of cats with IBD have alergic/sensitivities to different foods and so they stay as close to a "wild" diet as possible, hence their being such big fans of raw.

Tad Burnett wrote:
Perhaps this is a good time to ask a question that I have...
People on this group have recomended the Liver Shake...
Basicaly equal volume of liver and V8 tomato juice....
I gave it to Baby Kitten the last couple weeks of her life
in the form of A/D and V8...1/4 juice and 3/4 A/D....
It seems that the V8 improves the flavor so that a cat
will eat when it won't eat anything else...
On the Feline Assisted Feeding Group there is a cat
that had stopped eating...The vet suggested A/D..
She atefor a couple days then stopped again...
I suggested adding a little V8 to A/D which sure
worked for Baby Kitten...
But the owner of the group jumped all over me for
giving tomato juice to a cat...My reply argument that
it was recomended on here got monitored and not posted
to the list....

Now I don't know what to believe...It got my Kitty eating
but then my Kitty died 2 weeks later...I think she was too
sick from FeLV problems but I strongly believe it bought
her 2 weeks of quality life...
For Jenns cat...Pursians, like siamese which I have, can be very
picky about their food and switching it...Perhaps they have
been feed the cheapest food you can by..Might be worth
trying a couple differant types before you start force feeding..
Force feeding can really turn a cat off from eating....
If you dare try the V8 I bet it will work...
But they do need to eat something soon...Its not good for
them to go much over a day without eating...
For a 10 pound cat one 5.5 oz can of food per day is a good
starting point...Watch weight from there....

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