We are all praying,and sending all good thoughts!!!
Sandy, Shades, Tribyl and Spike plus Angel Houdini

Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Akira needs prayers......
Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 09:27:50 EDT

Hi everyone,
well it seems like for every great thing an equally horrible one
occurs....The book that my stories are in came out this week...many about Akira and how
she over came her sicknesses when I found her...My 23rd birthday was
yesterday (cinco de Mayo), and Monday Akira decided to quit eating, Ive been force
feeding her, and offering her anything I could think of...she would sniff..but
not even was remotely interested other than that....So today to the vet we
went...Im home now..she is still there...45 mins away, on an IV catheter for
fluids, being force fed, waiting on blood work to come back....she has the
VERY first signs of "fatty liver", (her urine is VERY concentrate)..but she
isnt jaundiced yet (thankfully)...and her blood is very thick...which is
good..she presumably by teh looks of it..isnt anemic...which means this possibly is
NOT as a result of the Leukemia...but then again...as with every other damned
symptom..it still could be....Ive never left her alone before..I am so
worried....and feel so betrayed....."HAPPY BIRTHDAY..your cat is trying to die"
..So please say prayers, send Reiki....anything her way she needs all the help
she can get...she is dehydrated, initiall fatty liver..and she has lost 2
lbs in about 4 days..(.she only weighed 8 to begin with) She is my angel that
introduced me to rescue, cats, and unconditional love....I cant lose
her.....Im not ready.....

Lisa and the  furbrats
Akira, Indy, Spooky, Mona, Lancelot, Bowtie, Bennie and  Anza


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