Ginger is at least eating what you give her right? So maybe her mouth is still sore and she does not want to eat yet on her own. In Ambers case I had to have her 1 week on and 1 week off for a month on the Feline Interferon before she got better, and she still gets URI's every once in awhile, but I treat them with Baytril.
I am pulling for Ginger and for you, this has been a hard start to the year for you, I hope Ginger gets better everyday and comes back to you ;-)
Take care

Well, Ginger got 10 teeth extracted on Tuesday and still is not eating on her own, though perhaps it is understandable that she would not want to eat for a while after that.  She also got a URI though-- lots of sneezing and sniffling. I called the dentist, who ok'd me switching her from the clindamycin to doxicycline to try to get rid of the URI. The internist had told me not to give dox, saying that colds are viral and antibiotics don't help-- but past experience convinces me that they do help. I have heard that viral infections often lead to bacterial sinus infections if not treated with antibiotics.  So a few hours after giving her the dox she had diarrhea, so now I will add probiotics to her syringe feeding.  She is much less active, perhaps due to the cold, I don't know. She still plays like crazy if I offer her string, but otherwise is lying around.  I am quite worried that there is something else wrong with her in addition to the mouth problems. I am also very disappointed in feline interferon-- she got it for 5 days immediately preceding the surgery and still got a URI. I hope it is doing something to prevent a more serious trigger of the disease, if it has not already been triggered.
 Please pray and send thoughts to her.  Perhaps because of everything else that has been happening, I am feeling very depressed and starting to be convinced that something else is wrong with her besides her mouth problems. I scheduled an ultrasound for Monday in case she is not eating by then.  Her blood work and x-rays last week were fine, and her mouth was awful, which made me think it was just her mouth, but now I am losing hope.

Have a purrfect day

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