In a message dated 5/20/2005 10:34:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I have to laugh at the TRUTH of this
Me too!
When I was working at the (pink juice happy) vets office with the help of the ONLY compassionate vet at the practice, I "smuggled" two cats that were scheduled for euthanasia on 2 different occassions. Next morning it was "assumed" euthanasia had been carried out.
They are 2 big, beautiful Maine Coons & I decided to "foster" til I found suitable homes. As time dragged on they became so attatched to one another I decided they should be adopted out together, which is no easy feat.
After they were here almost 6 months I did find (what I thought) a home for both.
Not even 2 weeks later I get call to come down & pick the boys up.
They refused to eat, hid 24/7 under her claw foot tub, even urinating under there. They were overgrooming due to stress,resulting in large bald patches, and to top it off, THEY GOT FLEAS! And poor Cornelius is allergic to fleas, it had taken me month to get his skin & coat cleared up!
They made it quite clear, I was their "chosen" Mom.
End of story. They are staying with "mom".

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