Seems like I recall sugar and borax powder, mixed together, in little jar lids under the sink etc.. The roaches are drawn to the sugar, but the borax gets them. Anybody know about this one?


At 01:18 PM 5/21/2005, you wrote:
Just wondering if anyone has any good ideas on roach prevention/control that's safe for kitties. I'm pretty upset--i have a roach phobia. Never saw one all the years I lived in the UK. And I've never seen one in the 9 years I've been in this place. But I had plenty in the last Chicago place i lived in, and I was in a permanent state of anxiety about it. TODAY I got word that our sister building next door spotted one in the hallway this morning. Two buildings in the street were demolished a couple of weeks or so ago so we figure it disturbed them. I've been told boric acid is the thing to get. But is it safe for pets? (This crappy computer is hopeless for net research.)
I really really don't want roaches--I've had 9 peaceful years without them!
And, I don't believe cats keep them away. Pity!
Thanks for any ideas.
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

Barbara, My Fantasia had Felv since 1999 and I have eight other cats and I never keep them away from each other. They ate together and drank water out of the same bowls. Played together. All I did was get them tested and made sure they got there vaccines or titer tests. Hope you decide to keep him and let him show you how much he his greatful. Good luck


-----Original Message-----
From: Terri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 20 May 2005 16:51:53 -0400
Subject: Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

Sounds like Tom not only chose you, but you're a goner anyway.....


You're not fooling anyone!

=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! <> My FeLV Site: <> My Personal Page: <>
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: felv cat \needs placement/Tom~Barbara

In a message dated 5/20/2005 7:56:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I wonder if I would be doing the wrong thing by keeping him when I have 4 non-positive ones that are being exposed. By then are they really being exposed since we don't know that much about felv?

Seems to me that you just answered your own question.
I've been following Tom's story since your first post.
I'm a firm believer that it's a cat that "chooses" his person, NOT the person choosing a cat.
Seems to me that Tom has chosen you, right from the very start!
I think you know, deep in your heart what is best for Tom, and you!

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