was just about to sign off for the night then saw your question on transfusions.
i had 2 different experiences with blood transfusions. one was with a less than year old cat with leukemia and it was two days before xmas. Lenny(the cat) perhaps had a week of quality life with us before we had to let her be put to sleep.
the 2nd cat Jelly Roll again perhaps a week or two before he also crashed. I would not have traded that time with them for anything.
I am surprised at how cheap your vet says a transfusion is. perhaps because I am in NY where it just seems everything is just so damn expensive. I would make sure the vet types your cat's blood. it must get a matching blood type--I forget if there's a subgroup to cat's blood--I just know my second cat had a very rare blood type.
I know others on the list had also had blood transfusions for their cats and can give their opinions. I'd still go for a second opinion if you do not feel this vet is up to date on treatment of leukemia.
again good luck and good night,
thank you for caring for Jersey. I know how stressful it can be.

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