Yes I believe the Feline omega interferon is quite good so am interested to try it. But speaking of Lymphoma - has anyone heard or tried the transfer factor for animals. I found the product when I did a search on FeLV - I think the website is - then search for transfer factor. It is an immune system booster and I was considering trying it but am now trying interferon first. I believe this product has helped some animals with tumours, lymphomas etc.. and has been used for FeLV by some people - although how successfully I don't know. It is a naturally occuring product found in the collostrum or milk of cows so is not a drug and therefoe theoretically should not interact with drugs. I don't know a great deal about it but I will certainly try it when things get desperate. I only really opted for interferon first because Bramble needs treatment rapidly and I would need to import Transfer factor from USA to UK and don't know how long it would take to ship over. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has used it and what kinds of results they had.
Secondly I hope that dear Sam is found again soon
Michelle L

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