Yo Jenn -

My darling Calawalla Banana Boo-boo was 3 years old. (2004)

My sweet Mittens was maybe 2.5 yrs. (2003)

My baby Mr. Black kitty was FIV and FELV+ - vet said he was 18. I don't believe it. Think he was a bit younger than that - 10 yrs maybe? (2002)


Well, my Moogie, who was born with FELV, lived 18 months, but it varies widely, and also, I did not take drastic measures to prolong her life. Had I done everything to the extreme, she may have lived to be 2 years old. I'm not really sure what the "average" life span of FELV+ cats is, but one study has been done on the lifespan expectations for cats infected with feline leukemia virus that tested persistently viremic (continuously tested positive). In the study, reported by Dr. Susan Cotter in the November 1991 issue of the Journal of the AVMA, most cats died within two years but about 20% of the cats lived three or more years. Of course, if everyone here tells you how old their FELV+ furangels were when they passed on, then you'll get a good sampling, and be able to draw your own conclusions, but you'll have to know how long they had the virus, not just how long they lived, because some of them may have caught it later in life, and that would skew the numbers.

This could potentially be a very interesting thread, I wonder if we qualify as a "study group"?


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