I have 4 Persians and 1 Himmie, hair mats are easier than people think, close shave should do it. I put about 3 inches of water in the bath tub, with a dixie cup I hold the cats under the front legs and pour it on them, I use cat shampoo, towel dry then, lightly blow dry and comb....I comb all the long hairs daily as well as clean their eyes with contact lens solution. Hope this helps.
How can people just get up and move away from their pets.

I know this is probably not the place to address this question, but I think I read that someone here has Persian cats. I was hoping she could give me some pointers on washing and grooming a Persian. I had a neighbor a mile or so from my house (we live in a rural area) who bought this beautiful tortoise Persian paid 600.00 dollars for her had her declawed and spayed. Then she said her husband didn't like the cat in the house so she put her outside, I don't know how she survived for two years with no claws. They moved away last week, but before they left she called me and told me she wasn't taking the cat with them and that I could have her or anyone that wanted her. So they just moved away leaving the poor cat in an empty house. I can't believe anyone could be so heartless. Today I trapped her and brought her to my home (I guess I'll keep her).She is beautiful and sweet but, she is dirty, matted to the skin and has fleas. I don't think she has ever been groomed. The problem is the nearest groomer is 45 miles from my home and I can't get an appointment with her for 2 weeks. I can't let her go another day like this, but she want let me get near her with clippers or put her in water to bathe her. Has anyone heard of giving vadium to cats. Would that help calm her down until I can get her cleaned up? I can't afford a vet visit this week but very soon. She looks healthy but I want to have her tested as soon as possible. Please any advice would be appreciated.     Sheila

Have a purrfect day


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