Hi Guys
You may recall Bramble (FIV+) went Ataxic on Tuesday and then recovered - he started Omega Interferon on Thursday - and is on 2.5mg daily of Fortekor for a heart murmer. Waiting to hear results still for calicivirus, herpesvirus and FeLV.
I was on the phone to the emergency vet last night when I panicked as Bramble was showing symptoms I haven't seen before. They said settle him down and see what he is like in the morning. I did and he settled although he didn;t move again until this morning.
I woke up when I heard him scratching frantically on the floor - only it wasn't a scratch it was more like a scared confused going mad scratching so I think he may actually have been having a seizure with all four legs paddling away as he looked confused afterwards. He staggered off into the corner and I put the lamp on - then for about 5 mins he looked in pain and didn't want me to touch him - he was moving his head very slowly then stretching his body out abnormally slowly - his tail in the air then his backside in the air - then he pushed out his back leg and then tried crawling with his front paws on his belly - it was all very very slow and not like normal stretching.
This morning he didn't wobble and I gave him his intereron jab as normal - he ate a good breakfast too. Today he is quiet and hasn't moved from the sofa where I put him about 5 hours ago apart from getting up to turn around. He seems a little uncomfy at times about being stroked on the back of his head - has managed to go to sleep. He seems a little mentally disengaged at times and I guess he is in some discomfort all though he hides it well so I don't know exactly if he is or not. He definitely was during last nights episode. He also does seem to have lost more muscle mass too.
Has anyone experienced anything like this or have any idea what might be going on - I really don't know what is the right thing to do on this one. The vet said watch him if he has seizures or pain that doesn't stop after 30mins to get him back. Does interferon have any side effects like this??? Also the vet said if he loses use of his back legs and they go cold and stiff and he starts crying then that indicates a blood clot so not to wait around on that - anything is possible. I'm trying so hard to give him the best care possible but I don't know is it right to keep fighting with him or is it fairer to put him to rest - when do you know with these viruses when it is the right time to euthanase your furry friend.
I also put stronghold flea drops on him yesterday but I can't see that causing anything like this.
Michelle L
PS - I am delighted that Sam is found - such a good result.

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