Thanks Joan for forwarding this. I've sent off emails to both address and I'll follow them with faxs. Here's what I wrote in case someone wants to use it as a template.

Could someone please explain to me why feral cats that have lived on the Corpus Christi Monastery in the Bronx, NY for years are now targeted for eradication? What exactly have these animals done to warrant this? How is it that they have lived in harmony with the Dominican Nuns for the past eight years, but now are cruelly being removed from their habitat? What is it that they are doing, besides controlling the vermin population and enriching the compound with their beauty and grace that leads you to take these measures? Why is it that you are refusing the help of animal activists to resolve this issue in a humane manner? I've always had questions about practices in the Catholic Church, but this is not only puzzling behavior, it's down right cruel. Please rethink your position on this matter. If not for the sake of God's creatures placed in your care, than for the sake of your parishioners and those that might have been drawn to the church otherwise.


 To protest this heartless and ill-guided assault on the cats, please
contact the Corpus Christi Monastery and the Archdiocese of NY by phone,
email or fax (see below.) Let them know we expect more from our religious
leaders than pointless cruelty towards innocent animals:

 Corpus Christi Monastery
 phone: 718-328-6996
 fax: 718-328-1974

 Archdiocese of NY
 phone: 212-371-1000 (ask for Public Relations or the Vicar of the
Religious Office)
 fax: 212-826-6020

Act now! The cats have not been fed for five days and counting!!

"The DOMINICAN NUNS of Corpus Christi Monastery, Bronx, New York, are a
monastic community dedicated to a life of prayer and penance for the
preaching mission of the Dominican Order and for the salvation of souls."

 For more on Trap-Neuter-Return:

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