Hi Niki!
I'm glad you found the list.  You'll get lots of support and advice!  First of all congratulations on your new baby!  The good news is that if Ziggy is only 8 weeks old he could still fight off the virus (which it sounds like you've already learned).  I'm not sure what the total time you would need to be sure with a kitten this young.  But I think by June 30 he could still be positive even if he were eventually going to be negative.  In the meantime I would get directions from the archives on feeding Ziggy good, nutritional food.  I would probably add some vitamin c and get interferon from my vet.  My vet used to give interferon to negative shelter cats to keep them from catching URI's at the shelter.  It's supposed to boost their immune system, so I would give it a try.  You'll get lots of other advice.  The most important thing, in my opinion, is not to over worry.  Even if Ziggy remains positive, it is possible he could only be carrying the disease and never get sick from it.  Also, add one thing at a time.  Try not to overwhelm yourself and Ziggy with a zillion new foods and additives, etc.  all at once.  Good luck with Ziggy!  I like the name!

Nicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello.  I have just adopted a 8 week old kitten named Ziggy.  Ziggy had his first vet visit on 6-9-05 and since I knew nothing about his mom or dad I decided to have a FeLV test done which resulted in a positive.  I was devastated and am now trying to figure out the best course for Ziggy.  He is acting like a normal kitten would, getting into all sorts of trouble and shows no signs of the diease.  I am trying to stave off an full blown attack and would like to have information regarding what I should be doing right from the start.  I am going to have retested in a follow up visit on 6-30 and am also curious to know if he could come up neg by then?  I know relatively little about this disease and am becoming increasingly confused  by all of the information on the web.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you
Niki Rushton

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