Title: Message
Hi Niki
No need to apologize---ask as many Qs as you need to, and whenever they come to mind. We're all here to help you/each other!
I had a chance to look at Frazier's book on feeding kittens, and she says that once weaned (as Ziggy is) a kitten "can eat the same food formula you feed any healthy cat." She also says that "this is definitely the time for an extra mineral vitamin supplement. Kittens need more of every nutrient to help their bodies manufacture strong muscles and bones."
In her FELV section, where she gives detailed recommendations for diet, including giving Vita Min Mix, there is nothing in it about not giving to kittens. So I think it's safe to say Ziggy will benefit from it.
Also, here's what she says about the possible outcomes after a negative cat comes into contact with a positive cat:
The negative, but exposed cat may:
~~not become affected in any way;
~~become infected (positive), develop immunity, and revert again to being negative;
~~become positive, but not become ill and remain positive--thus becoming a new carrier of the virus;
~~become positive and develop lymphosarcoma, leukemia, or other cancer; or
~~become positive and be ill from the virus infection, much like flu; and then recover and remain positive or become negative.
In my experience, your vet is exceptional in his attitude to FeLV cats--that's wonderful. Wish there were more like him.
hope that helps, and big hugs to Ziggy!
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nicholena Rushton
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 8:39 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: nutrition info

I have another question to ask - I apologize for asking so many questions but I just can not think of all of them at one time!  Since Ziggy tested pos for FeLV at such a young age would it be "safe" to assume he was born with it and is going to have it for the rest of his life?  I know two of his littermates have tested pos also but not sure about the third one (he was the only male and the others were all female).  I have to say that I am amazed by other members talking about their vets telling them to euthanize a FeLV pos cat.  I now feel blessed to have my vet as he poo-poo'd the idea of euthanasia right from the start (I was the one who had to bring it up when I got the test results - I was extremely nieve then and to think it was only one week ago!).  Although I am wondering if anyone has any idea if there is a vet who could be more knowledgeable about FeLV in the Phila suburban area - just as a precautionary measure.  Also, Ziggy only had the ELISA snap test done, should I have gotten the IFA test immediately after?  I have another appt on 6/30 for Zig and am wondering if I should request it then or wait a few more weeks? 
I am so happy to hear that all the other little angels are doing better!  As always you all are in my prayers and Ziggy sends out a big Meow to everyone who is helping his mommy deal with this. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:29 AM
Subject: RE: nutrition info

Hi all
can anyone confirm that the ingreds in Vit Min Mix----yeast powder, kelp powder, lecithin granules, wheat bran, bonemeal--- are safe for a 9 week kitten--Niki's Ziggy in this case? I don't have my reference to hand (and not sure it mentions age anyway).


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