I hope things go well with poor Bramble at the vet's tomorrow.  You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers.

The boy was doing so well - I've come home to find he has scratched fur and skin off the side of his face over the last couple of hours and it's a big chunk. He will need to go back to the vet tomorrow but he is not going to that particular vet - I'll demand a different vet. He either has an allergy which I suspect as he has scratched around his ears since coming here despite having his ears syringed - we can be sure that ear mites are not the problem as he also had the revolution treatment. It may also be seizure related though as he also was tugging at fur on his leg whilst grooming so I don't know. But saying that Minstrel also has a bit of a runny nose and scratches her ears and she hasn't got ear mites either. I will try a different food. Hopefully the vet will give him a steroid jab to stop the itching.
I am scared because this is what happened to my last FIV girl before we knew she was FIV - after they withdrew treatment in preparation for dermatology her system collapsed. So he most likely has an allergy and seizure problems and needs treatment for both. I'm not sure if steroids would interact with seizure meds and his heart med.
Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel, Buddy

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