1-st thing

I think there are lots of reasons for the urinating.

From my personal experience, I know that cats use to do this if they don't like some recent changes you had made in the house. Jersey used to urinate onto my bed. This was when my ex-roomate moved and he liked her. If you have started packing the staff for the new house , that is possible. Cats have good intuition.

2- nd thing.

I ave missed this discussion. Is it possible to adopt tha cats that are endangered?



>From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
>Subject: OT - 2 things
>Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 18:11:35 -0700 (PDT)
>Hi all,
>I have a question some of you might have some advice on.  Some of my cats are continually urinating in inappopriate places.  They are not spraying, but they will go in 2 different corners of my bedroom and my sofa!  :(
>I now put down puppy pads on top of the carpet in my bedroom and fold an old towel on the top.  I have to change these every day.  Also, if I leave clothes or a rug on the floor they will go on those as well.  I keep my sofa covered with a waterproof mattress cover and put a sheet on top of that.  It too, has to be changed almost daily!
>Two of my cats, sneaker and popeye, have always gone in the bedroom, but now my positive, DD is doing it too.  What is really weird is that when I change the pads, towels, sheet, whatever to clean ones, she will go and lay in that spot.  Then she'll turn around and pee in the same place she was previously laying.  It's like she can't wait for me to put fresh linen down to go lay there and then later pee on it.  My bed has been doused a couple of times even.
>Any suggestions?  I am moving at the end of July into a new house and I'd really like to stop this behavior with the move. I'm also getting a new sofa. Any ideas?
>One thing I think I will do is put feliway diffusers in every room of the new house before I move the cats over.....
>Someone recently posted somewhere to get them very cheaply.  Could you repost that info?
>I have tried these in the past witihout much success, but I'm hoping with a new place and really overloading the house with them it will help.  All the cats are healthy, and have had bloodwork, urinalysis etc....  In fact I have another cat with a urinary infection right now and he doesn't do this.
>Secondly,  I know it went around on the lists about PETA killing the animals in North Carolina.  I received a new email that stated that peta took the animals from shelters who still use gas chambers for euthanasia.  They stated that they could not find homes for all the animals from these rural shelters, but they thought it was better for them to be humanely euthanized rather than gas.  Being from Georgia, where some shelters still gas, I know this is true.  The letter also stated that peta had given some of these shelters thousands of dollars to improve their facilities as well.  So that's their side of the story.
>The truth may be somewhere in the middle.  But I know if I could get the animals from the gas chamber shelters here and euthanize them humanely I would.

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