Hi -
I haven't posted here in a while, my sweet little Roxie died a couple of months ago and I just had to take a little break.  We still have Ollie, who will be 1 at the end of July.  He was born in a litter of 3 and is the last one left.  We have since found out that his mother is FeLv positive, so she passed it to the babies at birth.
I have found that one of the most frustrating things about this diease is not knowing what to expect.  Ironically, Ollie was the one in the litter that showed symptoms first.  In January, we found him lying in his litter box, he was panting, vomiting, running a fever.  Thats when we had him tested.  Since February he is like clockwork.....every 10 days he has a day that he vomits, sometimes has diarreah, drools a lot (I assume from the upset stomach) and will not eat (understandably).  We give him a dose of medicine for the nausea (which he hates, but it does seem to help) and then he sleeps more than usual for the next couple of days, but by the third day, he is completly normal.  And I mean really normal....a regular kitten....playing, jumping, running, etc.  We have him on Interferon and any vitimins that I can get him to take.  I am thankful that he always gets better, but it just seems strange that he is SO regular.  For the last couple of months he has been on Clavamox for some sneezing and coughing and as long as he takes it, he has no symptoms.  But, if he misses a dose or 2 (or throws it up), we do see an increase in sneezing.  I am so thankful that he is as well as he is.....last time we were at the vet, he had even gained a pound, but its just so different than his brother and sister.  They both got to the point that they couldn't breath and wouldn't eat.  I am almost afriad to be encouraged and think that maybe he is just he miracle baby that will make it.  He was the biggest in the litter, could that make a difference?  He just always seems to get better. 
Sorry for the long, rambling post.  This group is awesome, I have learned so much. 

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