Hi Bonnie,
I wouldn't, but that's just me. I just wouldn't want to force anything else down him after he's already been assist-fed and thrown up! Was this his first dose? How long after you gave it to Fu did he throw up? What does the stuff taste like? Could you add a 1/2 dose to something yummy? Do you know what Lactulose is? I found this darn interesting... It's made from lactose, (as in lactose intolerant, which of course most cats are!). That's how it works against constipation! How is our Fu, aside from being, um, backed up?


My 19 year old frail Fu is constipated. The vet said to give him 2 ml. lactulose morning and evening. I gave him the evening dose a little while ago while I was assist feeding him as taking lactulose on an empty stomach sometimes makes him nauseous. Well, he threw up anyway and I wonder if he lost the lactulose as well. Should I give him more?

Thanks, Bonnie in WI

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