I'm sorry Sebastian's visit to the vet wasn't more optimistic. It does sound like you made the right decision about not doing further tests. My German Shepherd suffers from Degenerative Myelopathy, (degenerative spinal disease). I too was told that there wasn't anything I could do to help him. Does what they think Sebastian is suffering from have a name? I did a search for DM for my Zevon on the web and came up with a couple of sites that talk about diet, medication, massage and exercise, (to keep the muscles in his back legs from atrophying). The things I'm doing, (Flax seed oil, Lyprinol, Glucosamine/Chondroitin, MSM in his food, massage and exercise), have definitely helped Zevon. When I brought him to the ER, he could barely stand, they treated him overnight with, (I'm sorry, I never did get it completely straight), some sort of mega steroid treatment and his function was a bit improved in about a week. Since then he has improved somewhat in mobility and has not had any further loss of function. Might Sebastian be helped with anti inflammatory therapy?

Interferon A lasts for at least 6 months in the fridge after it's reconstituted.

I'm praying you find the answers you need to help Sebastian,


I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a nuerologist. The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs could be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine. They would have to do more tests to be sure. Even after the tests there is no real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him through all of that. He can barely walk anymore. I can not bare to see him this way. Has anyone had any similar problems with there Felv+ kitties? Is there anything I can do? Maybe an alternative vet?
Also does anyone know the shelf life of Interferon?

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