Aztithromycin (zithromax) is VERY similar to Doxy.
BOTH are anti-bacteriels, habe NO effect on viral infections, and BOTH can lead to a resistancy after prolonged use....
We have used both for mainly URI's, but we did learn from our veterinary opthamologist that zthromax is VERY effective in treating chronic eye problems....
Perhaps your baby did NOT respond to the zithromax after the recommended "time" allotted for dosing, and your vet decided to put her back on the doxy before she built up the resistance to zithro.
One of the "nicer" things about using zthro is NOT having to follow each dose w/  H20 & there is less stomach upset w/ zithro....
I wish I could answer the question concerning the "switch", I just know in the last few years  the use of both doxy & zithro has increased in rearing felines...'
I wish you the "best" of luck with your baby...
Just sorry I could not answer more questions.   :(

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