     All we can hope for, for our cats and ourselves, is to live as long and die as comfortably and peacefuly. I hope I can be there for my cat, when she  goes and I hope it is as simple as falling asleep with me. She tends to have the same -from the headboard and window to sleep on my legs- type routine. Take care of those cats - are any of the others FeLV +?

Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sadly my Marie Cat passed away quietly last evening..9/4/2005...
She was a beautiful Russian Blue...
She was my first FeLV+ cat..I brought her home almost 2 years ago to the day....
She was thought to be near 16 years old but she was picked up as a stray and we don't know for sure..
I rescued her with a group of 4 cats all starving and eaten by fleas..Marie was very down and they didn't think she would survived the 300 mile trip home but i wanted to give her a chance...
I didn't know they were FeLV+ until I took them to my vet and that is when I decided to start my FeLV+ room..I lost one of the kittens is a short time but her brother is still here...
Marie has always acted like an old cat but got around and had her favorite spots in sunny windows and on the soft rug on the breeze way...She enjoyed both those spots yesterday...
About a week ago she started drinking a lot of water and then throwing up...I put her on an A/D diet and she seemed fine for a couple days then started not eating...She excepted some from a suringe but not enough...
Last evening she only wanted about 10 cc and then wanted to get in the window over my bed...I had to help her climb up there...She stayed there for a couple hours then came down beside me where she always slept and before long she had passed on....
I might have been able to do more to extend her life but she was old and she was comfortable and happy right up to the end...
She was a very special cat, like all the others too, and she will remain in my heart forever....

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