I may be able to keep up to 15 (according to the city attorney), if so,
I will have to hide the rest and let them know that I found a rescue
group to foster them for me (which they suggested that I do) - and they
might ask which one and I want to be able to give someone's name whom I
can trust.

I remember that there are some of you have a non profit status for
animal sanctuary - if you do, or even if you as an individual, please
let me know if I can give them your name so that they know that I am not
just saying that (I don't think they will contact you or anything) - 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:13 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: OT:PLS help for two things..

Thanks, Nina - I have a pretty good networking with rescue groups here,
but at the same time, they can be political, too and I have to be
careful whom I speak with.. I left a couple of messages to some
influential people - so I am also waiting for their calls.. things is
that .. I have had a permit for two years now.. but the officer who had
given me and others never really enforced this stupid law in the past.
He was kind of a person who understands the reality of situation and
always looked at the big picture so he ignored the damn ordinance.. now
they are sort of trying to enforce it.

As far as non profit.. they told me that as far as the zoning is
concerned, I am not allowed to have an animal sanctuary because I live
in residential area.. if I want to do so, I need to buy a commercial
property -(who has that kind of money,,, huh..)

Anyway, we also talked to the city attorney - he said that if the animal
services division does not give me the permit, to request a hearing.. he
has seen these cases all the time, and if the person who originally made
a complaint does not show up at the court, they should probably let me
have 15 animals (this is not a law, but a policy) --- so that's a good
news, sort of..but still, I just don't know what's going to happen for

In the middle of this.. I am still thinking that "everything will work
out" ---I panicked two years ago when someone reported me and I really
thought that it was the end of the world -----but it worked out ---
again I might be too optimistic.. but again, if the worst come to worse,
I will hide everyone to my friend's house -----but still.. I would like
not to have to do that, then I would always have to worry about it..if
you know what I mean..

The meantime.. I am hoping that my Hannibal will get better very very


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:03 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

SOB Hideyo. Here are two links that may be able to help. 
The first is a group listing of all rescues in NM, perhaps someone at 
one of the rescues will be able to help in some way. The second link is 
for animal legal defense fund. They have attorney's that may be able to 
help. Sally says she's been through this too. Animal control came to her

house with a sheriff's deputy and a vet tech. She was told she had 60 
days to comply with removing any animals over the limit, but he did 
agree that all the cats under her were healthy and happy. As the 60 days

approached, Sally sent animal control an email telling them that she had

adopted out some, but needed more time. Sally also knew someone that 
knew someone that agreed to speak on her behalf, but she doesn't know if

that was ever done. She doesn't know why they did not follow up, but 
happily they didn't. If you know of a rescue in your area, (if not get 
on the phone and get someone with clout on your side), see if they will 
help you deal with this. At the very least, they may be able to help you

hide some cats for a while, until they stop coming back to check. When 
you speak to them, find out if there is an online list or BB that you 
could post this emergency to. Also, how far did you get with filing for 
non-profit rescue? You could at least show them the paperwork to prove 
it's in progress. http://www.nolopress.com/ has the forms necessary and 
a book called "How to Setup a Nonprofit" (this is from Sally, she thinks

that's what it's called). Get a copy of the animal control regulations 
for your county jurisdiction to see exactly what your options are. It 
doesn't really matter what other other counties do, all they are going 
to care about are the rules that apply to your area. Ask the other 
rescue if there is somewhere in the area, maybe unincorporated, that you

would be allowed to have more animals, or a sanctuary. I would tell the 
authorities that you have been looking to relocate to an area that you 
would legally be allowed to have your animals. Sally is also suggesting 
that if you know someone with horse stalls, you could screen in an empty

stall and keep some of your kitties there until things cool off.

I can not imagine what you are going through right now. You must be sick

with worry. Prayers for your situation and


Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

> Hi, my dear friends on the list,
> I am so sorry that I have not been posting or responding to your 
> postings - but please know that all of your babies who are having a 
> difficult time right now are in my thoughts and prayer.
> I am facing a very difficult situation for my cats and I am trying to 
> fight back and I could use your help - If you know anything about your

> city ordinance regarding having multiple animals in the residential 
> area or if you could look into it and email it to me, I would be very 
> grateful. The city may try to take all my furry babies away from me 
> due to the stupid ordinance which exist right now in my city (which 
> only allow 10% of your premise size as a defined area where you can 
> have animals, then each animal (if less than 30lb) will require 75 sq 
> - so for example, let's say, I have 4,000 sq in my premise, they only 
> consider 400 sq as a limitation of the space where could be used for 
> animal site - so if I divide 400 by 75, I could only have 4 or 5 
> animals, which anyone can have (the number of animals one can have in 
> my city without permit is 4 anyway and will become 6 with new ordinace

> this fall) - this is a stupid law, because it was originally written 
> for hobby breeders where they keep animals in kennels and cages, and 
> they just apply to multiple permit as well, but it does not make sense
> So I am working with a city councilor to revise this information so 
> that anyone in my situation won't have to deal with it - but I would 
> like to know what other cities may have as there might be something 
> that I could learn -
> In the meantime, please pray that they all will be able to stay with 
> me - as the city takes them, you know what's going to happen - the 
> officers already inspected my house a couple of times, and they are 
> very fine with it ---- all animals are well taken care of.. they have 
> a very good life - - just the stupid ordinance.. if they don't grant 
> me a permit, I was advised to request a hearing, which I will do for 
> sure.. but I am hoping that I won't have to as I don't want that much 
> visibility in this matter.
> PS: also my Hannibal is not eating well - he is CRF kitty, and my vet 
> suggest that he may have FIV due to high globulin value, but I do not 
> agree - I have so many other cats with higher globulin value - but he 
> is becoming anemic, I think it's due to CRF - please send a prayer for

> Hannibal that he gets better very very soon! He is my very first feral

> boy!

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