Just some thoughts.  Leave the door cracked all the time, not just at night.
Do not wash the bed again.  It needs to smell like a safe spot.  Besides, my
cats just don't like the scents added to laundry detergent, fabric
softeners, cat litter etc.  You may want to spray Feliway around the area
outside the door.  You may also want to talk to an animal communicator.  My
bet is the AC will give you a message something like this  "she will tell
you how very grateful the little soul is but that she is an adult, not a
baby, and very capable of taking care of herself and making her decisions
and that she is thinking about coming back to you now that she has exerted
her independence.  The cat, like so many of mine, is teaching you a hard
lesson.....how to love without possessing."  Keep your heart open and know
that you are doing all you can for this beautiful soul.  If you do this, she
may allow you to do more.  Realize that she is allowing it and paying you
great honor by doing so.  The Royal Princess Kitty has not been feral for 12
years or so.........that does not stop her from sneaking out or wanting out
every so often.

Re the cat bite.  A feral did that to me.  Ripped the fingernail out and
broke the finger (she wighted 3-4 pounds soaking wet).  The hand surgeons
had a great time once I convinced them what really did happen.  I wad
emergency treatment within 15 minutes of the bite and still had to have a
second surgery.  All of this is ok.  The cat appeared fine the last time she
came to eat (here they disappear for long periods of time then remember
where there is easy food when the hunting is hard).  I mention this to
encourage anyone bitten by a cat to watch the wound very carefully and seek
medical help if at all possible.  I've been advised that bacteria can remain
in the very well tended wound and flare up months, even years, later.
Frankly, I am rather proud of the fact the cat had the guts to fight against
such odds.  Her spirit will serve her well.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "catatonya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: Need encouragement, PLEASE

> I agree with everyone else Patti.  You did what you could, and she
> knows where to come for food and shelter.
> My boyfriend once let a feral get out of the house once and I never saw
> her again.  I know it's upsetting, but things may still work out for
> her.  They do have a will of their own, and she may just be happier
> away from people.  :(
> tonya
> --- Terri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Patti,
> >
> > Don't despair.  Give her time.  You went above and beyond what most
> > people would have, and this girl is better off because of you.  If
> > she chooses to return, then she will.  In the meantime, I would send
> > her positive, loving thoughts, and keep leaving food for her.  I'm
> > sure she wasn't "playing" you -- if she is truly feral, then it's
> > going to take a long time for her to want to be stationary.  She's
> > used to being on the run.  If she was dumped, perhaps she is trying
> > to find her way home, but she is confused about what "home" is.
> >
> > You did NOT let her down.  You love her.  Please don't give up on
> > her, and don't give up on YOU.
> >
> > Big hugs to you.  Don't you give up!!!
> >
> > =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis,
> > and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec &
> > Salome' =^..^=
> >
> > Furkid Photos!
> >
> http://mysite.verizon.net/vze7sgqa/<http://mysite.verizon.net/vze7sgqa/>
> > My FeLV Site:
> >
> > My Personal Page:
> >
> >   ----- Original Message ----- 
> >   To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org<mailto:felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> >
> >   Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 6:58 PM
> >   Subject: Need encouragement, PLEASE
> >
> >
> >   Dear List,
> >   I am feeling VERY downtrodden & blue.  I don't know what to do,
> > where to turn.  I FEEL SO OVER-RIDDEN w/ guilt, I can't stop
> > crying.....
> >
> >   It's a long story, I will try to condense.
> >   Kerry is a little familiar as she is also on the Four Paws Feral
> > list, and also I have mentioned "Charity's" store on this list.
> > (Although she is FELV-)
> >
> >   Early in July, some cruel, a**hole dumped a box under my neighbor's
> > bushes which contained a young Mama & 2, 5 week old kittens.
> >   Needless to say, since the box was NOT secure, Mama escaped,
> > (apparently to try to find her way "HOME" to the low-lifes that
> > dumped her! I can not, nor will I EVER be able to understand the love
> > & dedication an innocent baby will demonstrate toward the sc*m that
> > abused her!!!)
> >
> >   Anyway, I took the babies in, since they needed to be bottle fed &
> > would have died if left to the elements, or predators.
> >   Several days later, I noticed the poor, bedraggled Mama had made it
> > back, looking for her babies, & was hanging out down by the barn.
> >   I immediately got a Hav-A-Heart trap, and had her in less than 10
> > minutes.
> >   She was dirty, starved...broke my heart.
> >   But, it did not break her spirit!!!
> >   On moving her from trap to crate, she somehow got hold of my hand &
> > BIT me down to bone. OUCH!!
> >   But, how could I blame her??? Poor thing, dumped like garbage along
> > w/ her babies.... No wonder she had NO trust of people.
> >   So, wound cleaned up, I transfered her to crate & made imm.
> > arrangements for exam, vx's, testing & spay. I named her "Charity".
> >
> >   She tested negative, YEAH!!!  Rec'd vx.'s (all BUT FELV, the low
> > cost clinic does NOT vx against Felv as part of their low cost
> > program) & was spayed.
> >   I set her up in a large crate in barn, working daily w/ her to win
> > her over.
> >   What an ordeal....it was almost comical at times. (Except for the
> > times she nailed me!!)
> >   But, I did NOT give up and w/ advice & encouragement from several
> > people exp. w/ ferals, I kept at it.
> >   I got several long, plumey feathers to stroke her with, and I
> > SWEAR, she enjoyed the touch.  Often, I would catch a glimpse of her
> > w/ her head tilted back, eyes closed, could almost "hear" her saying,
> > "Awwww, that feels mah-ve;lus Dah-ling, keep it up!"
> >
> >   As the weeks, months passed, she'd venture to front of crate, just
> > to sit & "observe" my every move". She was beginning to trust me at
> > last......
> >
> >   Finally, last week, she'd allow me to present her food, right to
> > her as she "lounged" in her sherpa lined bed at the back of her
> > "digs".
> >   She'd actually nibble as I still held bowl...
> >   Things were looking up for sure.
> > FRIEND!!!!!
> >
> >   However, Wednesday evening, despite all as usual, she BOLTED out of
> > the crate and made a bee-line for the small opening near the far end
> > of the barn.... She literally SQUEEZED her small body thru the crack
> > & was GONE!!!
> >
> >   Immediately, I ran out, but there was NO sight of her!! I am sick!
> >   Now, she HAS been confined to barn area foer OVER a month, so I
> > know she has a "feeling" it is "HOME".
> >
> >   That nite, I left the door slightly ajar, along w/ food, water &
> > her favorite ~ chicken.
> >   I then placed her bed next to the food.
> >   It has a godish~yellow corduroy cushion, which had just been
> > laundered. (This was the cushion she had used when I first realized
> > shw was seeking shelter in the barn. At that time there were
> > tell-tale signs of grey hair.)
> >
> >   Yesterday morning, I noticed that there were the tell-tale grey
> > hairs on the cushion, the water had been sipped & the dry food was
> > scattered a little over the placemat, as if she'd been nibbling. BUT
> > THE CHICKEN HAD NOT been touched at all!!!
> >
> >   Had she come back, ate, drank & napped and took off again???
> >   I scoured the neighborhood, speaking to neighbors, and strangers,
> > put up signs, BUT NO ONE HAS SEEN HER!!
> >   Many look at me like I am crazy when I explain she is "feral". One
> > even went so far as to tell me that she is 'better off" on the run!!
> > (Oh, it is so hard to LIKE people!!!)
> >
> >   I am sick!!!  Did I let this girl down??? I did all I could....she
> > was actually starting to TRUST ME!!
> >   OR, was she "playing me", just waiting for the right moment to
> > escape???
> >
> >   Any ideas, suggestions?
> >   Should I attempt to re-trap??? (BUT IT WAS SO,SO EVIDENT SHE HATED
> >
> >   I live near a VERY busy road....
> >   So far, I have been too frightened to search the roads,,,
> >
> >   Oh, what do I do?
> >   Please help.
> >
> >   Patti
> >

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