Yes, it is very common when feeding cats a vegan diet, that they get UTI's as a 
result of an improper PH balance. therefore sells a product 
called "Enzymes PH" which helps and I think is great for any cat vegan or not 
that suffers w. UTI issues. If anyone's interested in the supplements they 
sell, they have a few good ones, ur cat doesn't have to be vegan to use them. 
lol. check them out...

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your doggies. My heart aches for you. I 
would be the same. 

I feed my dogs Evolution vegan dog food canned and kibble. they LOVE it. And 
they are extremely healthy, in fact, in comparison to a lot of other pugs we 
know (i belong to a pug group on LI) they have exceptionally beautiful coats 
and are in good shape, whereas many pugs are overweight and have skin problems 
that we know. I tried once to switch them to another food, but Lucy's stomach 
did not do well on it. So, Evolution it is. Plus carrots, brussels sprouts, mr 
barkey's and mr pugsley's treats. lol. 

Thanks for sharing!

>  -------Original Message-------
>  Subject: Re: Welcome Rebecca
>  Sent: Nov 22 '05 12:22
>  I'm vegan too.  And I think Del is also.  My dogs, when they were  alive,
>  went crazy for broccoli stems.  We called them broccoli bones  because
>  they would run off to their beds, lay with them between their paws, and
>  eat them like bones.  They all died in the last 1.5 years, and to this day
>  we can not cook broccoli.  We tried last week, but when my partner Gray
>  cut  the stems off he started crying and said he still can not cook with
>  it.  It  was such a ritual of cutting the stems off and calling to the
>  dogs to come get  them.  Two of our dogs were vegan ate Wysong Vegan dry
>  food) for most of  their lives, but the third ate food with meat because
>  she was on diet  food.  At the end they all ate meat because two had
>  cancer and we read that  they should not have much carbs.   I once tried
>  the Wysong Vegan,  which says it is feline and canine, with a cat, but he
>  got urinary crystals  right away, and the same happened with a friend's
>  cats, so I never tried it  again.  I would be afraid to try to feed my
>  positives vegan anyway.
>  Michelle
>  In a message dated 11/22/2005 12:14:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Wow, I   can't believe there are other
>  vegans here. I hardly ever meet any. As far as   carrots go, my pugs also
>  go NUTS over them. They also go nuts over brussels   sprouts. Go figure.
>  lol. Lucy loves to eat, she'd eat the whole apartment if   it were edible.
>  Sometimes she is so stubborn to come inside that I have to   yell "CARROT!"
>  or "COOKIE!" and THEN she comes FLYING back inside. I love   animals. They
>  make life so interesting and fun. lol. Well, your boyfriend is   luckier
>  than mine was at the time. He's gone now. Got the boot. LOL. Actually   it
>  was otherwise related, but still, any guy who doesn't love animals like I
>  do...there's gonna be a problem. They don't have to be vegan but they sure
>  do   have to love furkids, and my guy now is a gem. He is so   gentle.
>  ANYWAY...thank you for the welcome Michelle. I look forward to   sharing
>  more about Brooklyn as we adjust and bond more with each other.
>  Where is everyone from by the way? I'm from NY and live in Long   Island.
>  I just called about Innova and they have it at my local supply store.
>  $11 and change for a 6 lb bag. Reasonable? I know everything is expensive
>  in   NY so I wouldn't be surprised if that's  expensive.
>  -Rebecca

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