Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

I guess, I have a little bit concern regarding mixing FIV positive with
FeLV positive together even if they got along well..

I tried total seperation when we first got Chief. Rosie lived in my room, had seperate food, water, and litter. But, she wasn't happy locked in my room unless I was in there. So, she pulled all her hair out that she could reach and started spraying things.

has something that they are fighting against, I am concerned about the

I worry, too... She's vacinated for it, spent a good bit of her early life outside, so I think she's pretty well immune.

Rosie goes to work with me everyday, so they're only together for a few hours. They do share litter boxes and a waterdish, but that's it.

Right now, she's happy in my room at night, but now Chief doesn't have anywhere to sleep and he's unhappy with my door shut...


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