Cricket used to play fetch with his "toy".  It was
some feathers attached to the end of a plastic stick. 
He would bring it to me and I would throw it and he
would bring it back.  If I tried to use it like a
tickler, like normal kitties like, he wasn't
interested in it.  Only fetching and also jumping high
to catch it.  He also used to play hide-and-seek with
me.  I would hide and he would find me and then I
would run, laughing across the house, and he would
chase after me.  He was so cute.  I miss him so much.

--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's so very cute!  What a doll-baby!  It sounds
> like Miss is bringing 
> you fresh sock kill for you to learn how to hunt!  I
> think that's so 
> adorable.  Have you tried playing with some of the
> smaller objects she 
> brings?  She's probably a good fetcher.  Momma
> ferals, I guess house 
> cats may do it too, bring half dead critters to
> their babies to help 
> them learn how to hunt and kill for food.  It sounds
> like she loves you 
> very much to make sure your education is not lacking
> :).
> Nina
> Dudes wrote:
> > I know this is off topic, but I have a burning
> question that i'm 
> > hoping someone can answer!  Maybe shed a little
> light!  Why does my 
> > cat do this:
> >  
> > My oldest female Miss is constantly bringing us
> *gifts*.  She does 
> > this while meowing very loudly.  We always know
> when she is coming 
> > with a gift, because she announces it while she is
> bringing it.
> >  
> > She brings us her toys mostly,a fuzzy ball, a toy
> mouse or sometimes 
> > it is something of ours.  She is constantly
> bringing out our socks, a 
> > shoe if she can carry it in her mouth, a bra, even
> a roll of toilet 
> > paper.  She raids our closets and climbs the
> shelves to find what she 
> > wants.  If we shut the doors to the closets, she
> tears up toilet paper 
> > or paper towels, so we just let her do her thing.
> >  
> > Most of the time, we notice she does this when she
> wakes up 
> > and doesn't find anyone around.  She will start
> meowing and searching 
> > for something.  We've left the house before, and
> left her napping, 
> > only to come back to find a pile of toys and socks
> or undergarments 
> > (clean, dirty, doesn't matter) in the front room. 
> >  
> > It got really bad when she first came to us and
> she had a litter of 
> > kittens.  She would steal shirts, towels, anything
> she could carry in 
> > to her kittens!  So I think it is her way of doing
> something for 
> > us.  I wonder if she thinks of us as her kittens,
> and she must take 
> > care of us.  It's very endearing, but I would love
> to know why she 
> > does this!  I think if she went outside, neighbors
> would be missing 
> > thier socks, too!  We have caught her digging in
> our laundry, getting 
> > anything she can find that she can carry in her
> mouth and bring to 
> > us.  Sometimes she will stomp on whatever it is,
> and then pretend to 
> > wrestle it before she deposits it for us.  Then
> she will look 
> > expectantly up at us, and Meow?  We tell her thank
> you, and then she 
> > look proud of herself, and will go off to get
> something else.  It's 
> > harmless and kind of cute, but kind of quirky. 
> Does anyone have any 
> > ideas why she might do this?       
> > Sandy
> >    
> >
> >      
> >

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