Jen, I'm praying for him.  I don't really understand about the white blood cell count-- if anything, chemo usually makes that go down. It seems like he has an infection now?
I am really sorry if you did chemo partially because I recommended it and he is having this reaction.  I was glad when you said you were doing it and he seemed to be responding so well, but now I feel terrible about recommending it.  I never heard of a cat reacting this way to it.
Please let us know what happens at the oncologist's.
In a message dated 12/16/2005 10:10:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Michelle!

Our vet is *fairly* confident it's a reaction to the chemo (I think it
started with the adriamycin...then the "nail-in-the-coffin," so-to-
speak, was the vincristine).  Fortunately, Ewok's oncologist is in
town today, so my vet will be getting ahold of him to get any
suggestions.  Ewok is still hanging in there, but we're a little
concerned that his temp this morning was just over 102!

Update:  The vet just called...she's concerned that his white blood
cell count is rising...I'm going to go ahead and take him to the
oncologist's office at 10:30.  I'm just sick to my stomach, right
now...Ewok has been able to keep the FeLV in check through all this so
far, I feel like I'm tempting fate with the additional stress!

Please keep my boy in your thoughts and prayers!


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