Hello Jen,
I'm so sorry that you and Ewok have lost your fight. I've been away from the computer for the last week because of back problems, but you and the other kitties on the list have never left my thoughts and prayers. Bless you and your sweet little Ewok, your love gave him a taste of what Heaven is like right here on earth. I'm so sorry, I know how much it hurts and what a terrible void he's left. Please try to think of him as having left the room, just out of eyesight, but still with you. He is you know. Except now, he feels no more pain, no more discomfort. Except now, he understands the 'whys' of it all. He's free from all our earthly strife, free to enjoy his brothers and fur Momma again. He made the right choice when he chose you for a friend and guardian. What a blessing that he and his wonderful little family found you, what a blessing that you recognized him and held him to your heart. So much love and commitment, what more could any of us wish for? I know the lessons you learned together are worth the pain, I'm just so sorry that our growth has to come at such a high, high price.
Blessings and love to you and your family,


More later as the pain is a little too fresh, right now...But I just
wanted to thank you all for all of your advice and warm wishes.  Ewok is
now with his Mom and brothers Pips, Charlie and Chinney catching up on
old times!

Lots of Love,


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