See if you can find something salty for him.  That seems to help Kitty.  Deli ham (I know, it is awful) is a favorite.  If she gets a little down she feels better and often will eat later.  You may need to rub it on the nose or put a piece in the mouth (don't force it--just make sure he can taste it).
Good luck.  This is a hard one. 
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with their fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
From: catatonya
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: Buster update

I don't know, Kerry.  I don't think I would force feed if he's vomiting.  I can't recall the med. my cat was on for liver disease, but she was on something.  We also had her on sam-E.  I would think the a/d would be too rich for her?
Maybe some chicken broth?

Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Buster isn't doing well at all today...I did get him to eat a little on his own Fri..and drink some water..He went to the box a couple of times, but is very wobbly..
I got his meds down him early this morning, but now he won't eat at all...I tried to feed him some of the same thing I did yesterday and  he licked the juice then almost immediately threw up...then I tried a/d, but he wouldn't touch it...I know I have to get something in him, but he is very hard to deal with like that..It really stresses him out..I did give him some pepcid and appetite stimulant transdermal.
I guess Bandy knows he isn't feeling well because I have never seen Bandy clean him and now I have seen this twice today...Bandy is staying right with him..
Any suggestions on what I should do since he threw up, I don't know what to do..I did get a little water in him but not much...I didn't know if I should try to force feed him or not since he threw up..
I will post his blood work later...I do know that his WBC is very low and so is the PCV. All liver tests are elevated and all others are normal..
Keep him in your prayers..
Kerry, Bandy and Buster

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