Suggestions: First try Rescue Remedy on her (put it in her water). Are you sure she is in heat? Dixie Louise (heat is not an option) has gone thru periods of howling like she was in heat when males came by. Feliway may help if this is the problem.

Second: Ask her what she would like her name to be. She'll let you know. Then she will be very pleased with her name. I had AC friends ask Dixie what she wanted for a name. She told one Louise -- not a name I would have chosen or used--then she told the other Dixie Doodle. That was so bad the friend didn't want to tell me what she said. She told both friends (repeatedly and clearly) what names she wanted. I fooled around with them and came up with Dixie Louise. She had to have a birthday so months after she got her first two names she had Doodle added (Yankee Doodle Dandy became Dixie Doodle Dandy born on the 4th of July). Now, when I call her, she actually comes to see me. And she is very proud that she chose her names and got all of them.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. St. Francis ----- Original Message ----- From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: I adopted a new kitty; looks just like Cricket

Thanks for your kind words Nina.  I am watching her
closely to see if she's anything like Cricket, and
also, so I can give her a good name.  She went into
heat yesterday, which of course Cricket never did, so
she's acting a bit strange.  I hope heat doesn't last
long.  I haven't been around a cat in heat in 25
years, so I've forgotten what it's like.  She woke me
up at 4:00 this morning making strange noises.  She's
very sweet though.  I am going to take some pics of
her and post them after I name her.


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