Thanks Wendy.
I've talked to others locally who have had their felv+ cats transfused, none of them said that they would do it again. They all seemed to think that it was a lot to put their cats though in order to buy a little more time. I tend to agree. I had hoped that we'd caught Chelsea's anemia in time for the immunoregulin to take effect. I still have a small amount of hope that she may turn around but the reality of what her blood work shows is hard to ignore. Chelsea had her blood drawn during an in-home visit by my vet Saturday. He was originally scheduled to visit to perform a euthanasia on another of my felv+ kitties MeCa who had developed lymphosarcoma. MeCa crossed over very peacefully, I hope for the same for Chelsea. Short of a miracle, I intend to make her last days as easy on her as possible and will continue with the immunoregulin, interferon and supplements.
 Thank you for your help and thoughts.  Deanne

From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Deanne: ImmunoRegulin for Chelsea?
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 07:10:05 -0700 (PDT)


Chelsea's blood work does not look good.  If you can
afford a transfusion, get one for Chelsea.  It will
buy you some time to see what is going on with her.
9.6 is very, very low.  Time is of the essence.  Good
luck sweetie.  I will keep you and Chelsea on my
prayer list.  Please let us know what happens.



>   Chelsea got her first ImmunoRegulin shot
> yesterday.  She also had blood
> drawn, after which she collapsed but later revived.
> She is still eating but
> is very weak.  Below are the results of her
> bloodwork, it doesn't look good
> at all at this point.  I'm giving her pet tinic,
> oral interferon and a
> product called Feline Immune System Support from
> Standard Process.  The
> bloodwork showed no Hemobart, should I still ask for
> Doxycycline?  My vet
> really isn't comfortable with Epogen, is there
> anything that I can tell him
> to change his mind?
> >From: Online Manager
> >Subject: Marshfield Laboratory Results
> >Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 22:31:56 -0500
> 3181189CA
> >Species: FELINE                             Accn#:
> 82653812
> >Age:     12 months Approximate                DOB:
> 04/15/2005 Approximate
> >Patient Location: SLENN                    Gender:
> Female
> >Veterinarian: RICHARD SLENN
> >Breed: Domestic Short Hair
> >
> >FLAG - TEST ----------------------------- RESULTS
> -- UNITS --- REF RANGE --
> >
> >Hemogram-CleVet (CLVCLT) Collection: 04/15/06
> 13:00
> >    *L  Red Blood Cell Count                 1.41
>  x10^6/uL  (5.80 -
> >11.00)
> >    *L  Hemoglobin                            2.8
>  g/dL      (8.6 - 16.0)
> >           *Result verified by repeat analysis. BLM
> 04/15/06 22:50
> >    *L  Hematocrit                            9.6
>  %         (28.0 -
> >47.0)
> >           *Result verified by repeat analysis. BLM
> 04/15/06 22:50
> >    H   Mean Corpuscular Volume              68.0
>  fL        (37.7 -
> >50.0)
> >    H   Mean Corpuscular Hemoglob            19.7
>  pg        (12.3 -
> >17.2)
> >    L   Mean Corpuscular Hgb Conc            29.0
>  g/dL      (31.1 -
> >36.0)
> >        Red Cell Distribution Wid            19.6
>  %         (17.0 -
> >24.0)
> >        Platelet Count                          *
>  x10^3/uL  (160 - 660)
> >           * PLT estimate from smear appears to be
> 100,000 - 175,000 /uL.
> >        White Blood Cell Count                5.6
>  x10^3/uL  (3.7 - 20.5)
> >        Seg. Neutrophil Absolute             1.96
>  x10^3/uL  (1.30 -
> >15.70)
> >        Banded Neutrophil Absolut            0.00
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >0.30)
> >        Lymphocyte Absolute #                3.36
>  x10^3/uL  (1.00 -
> >7.90)
> >        Act Lymphocyte Absolute #            0.00
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >0.10)
> >        Monocyte Absolute #                  0.17
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >1.00)
> >        Eosinophil Absolute #                0.11
>  x10^3/uL  (0.10 -
> >2.00)
> >        Basophil Absolute #                  0.00
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >0.10)
> >        Other Absolute #                     0.00
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >0.00)
> >        Blast Absolute #                     0.00
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >0.00)
> >        Promyelocyte Absolute #              0.00
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >0.00)
> >        Myelocyte Absolute #                 0.00
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >0.00)
> >        Metamyelocyte Absolute #             0.00
>  x10^3/uL  (0.00 -
> >0.00)
> >
> >           *Pathologist review.  Result to follow
> in 1-2 days. 04/15/06
> >22:47
> >                                  FINAL Report
> >        Marshfield Laboratories 1000 N. Oak Avenue,
> Marshfield WI 54449
> >
> 3181189CA
> >Species: FELINE                             Accn#:
> 82653812
> >Age:     12 months Approximate                DOB:
> 04/15/2005 Approximate
> >Patient Location: SLENN                    Gender:
> Female
> >FLAG - TEST ----------------------------- RESULTS
> -- UNITS --- REF RANGE --
> >
> >Differential-CleVet (CLVDIF) Collection: 04/15/06
> 13:00
> >        Segmented Neutrophils                  35
>  %
> >        Lymphocytes                            60
>  %
> >        Monocytes                               3
>  %
> >        Eosinophils                             2
>  %
> >        Polychromatophilia                     1+
> >    *H  Nucleated Red Blood Cells               6
>  /100WBC   (0 - 0)
> >
> >           No Mycoplasma haemofelis (formerly
> Hemobartonella felis) seen.
> >            LJM 04/15/06 23:30
> >           *RBC agglutination may falsely decrease
> RBC number and increase
> >MCV and MCH.
>               RBC appear agglutinated.
> >From: Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: ImmunoRegulin for Chelsea?
> >Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 17:00:06 -0700
> >
> >    First thing is to determine what is causing the
> anemia, giving doxy
> >even when hemobart isn't found is a good idea, hemo
> is VERY hard to detect
> >and the doxy will almost always take care of it and
> won't hurt Chelsea if
> >she doesn't have hemo but will save her life if she
> does.
> >
> >Blood transfusions, and epogen depending onwhat is
> causing the anemia can
> >really help.  Also vitamin B complex and folic acid
> are needed to build
> >blood.  Prednisolone can help if it is similar to
> what Bailey has.
> >
> >--
> >    Belinda
> >    Happiness is being owned by cats ...
> >       Be-Mi-Kitties ...
> >       Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> >
> >     FeLV Candle Light Service
> >
> >  (affordable hosting & web
> design)
> >
> >
> >    -----------
> >
> >    BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)
> >

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