If I understand right.....
Interferon is a booster for the part of the natural immune system that
fights yirouses..which URI is.... So it will probably work well...
The side effect is that the body may become dependent on the
interferon to maintain normal strength...
That's why the usually do a week on and a week off to prevent
the dependency....
Thus the question... when to use or when to save it for when its
really needed....
My vet was one that wanted to save it but then we learned that
FeLV+ cats can go from not acting quit normal to crashed in
such a short time that I now have it in my house and his blessing
at using it when ever I feel its necessary....
It almost always quality life.. Sometimes for only a few days
and others much longer...

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

Has anyone used Interferon for URIs treatment for your kitties?
My Hannibal is on penicillin but still has yellow colored discharge
sometimes, and remember people on the list using interferon for URIs -
could tell me more about it?  What are the potential side effect?

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