What does every(any)one think about the new appearance of a heart murmur in my Cricket? Is this an uncommon symptom to appear in FeLV+ cats? I can't find much in research on the web.

And I am not sure that I feel the same way about mixing positives and negatives since Cricket is now positive. My vet says FeLV is the "friendly cat" disease, because cats that groom each other are most at risk of passing it along. Cricket and Cotton are anything but friendly to each other. But she did test positive for it before she and Cotton fought enough to draw blood and cause wounds. I just hope they both stay well, and my other two cats stay negative.
Sandy C.
Cricket, Cotton, Miss and Myca
Original Message ----- From: "TenHouseCats" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: mixing

for what it's worth, because it's not really definite, i just read on
one of the health lists that the FeLV vaccination protocol is
currently being revised, as was done for the other main
vaccinations..... don't know how long a process this is/will be, but
will share anything i learn when i do!

On 4/30/06, Dudes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I know it's been a long time, but I started a new job at the beginning of
the year, and things were kind of stressful for all of us here at home for a
while, but in the meantime, I have been reading when I can in lurk.

I do have an update on my cats that relates to this thread, even if a little

If anyone may remember, we took in Cotton, the little orange cat who did not
have a stable home, but who is now a little over a year old.  After his
former housemate died, we discovered to our great upset, that he is FeLV+.

But I guess a good diet and stable routine at home among other things have
agreed with him, because he's been really well.  My other three older
established cats, Myca, Miss and Cricket were all tested shortly after we
found out about Cotton,and Myca and Miss both tested negative. But Cricket
tested positive in the office the last time she went.

When I last talked to the list, Cotton had a bout of  illness which landed
him in the vet ER, and subsequently it was recommended that he have an
ultrasound of his liver and kidneys, as they were enlarged.  But I felt
compelled to have him examined again, as the xray which prompted this
recommendation was taken when he was quite ill and rather dehydrated. When
I did take him back in, the vet said he didn't need it after all.  His
abdomen palpated within normal range, and his bloodwork is all normal.  He
said we can just treat him like a normal cat now, he just needs more
frequent checkups.  I had him neutered, he never missed a beat, and his
behavior (spraying, fighting with Cricket) has improved somewhat.  He also
got a rabies vaccine, which didn't seem to bother him at all.

My worries are now about my petite all-black female Cricket, who is now six.
She has been in a few bad fights with Cotton despite our efforts to keep
them separate, since she hates him. Both of them have had some bite wounds
which drew blood.  I had her tested a few weeks ago by IFA, and she is
positive.  She was not showing any symptoms of viremia, but she did have a
heart murmur on her checkup, and although I hesitated, she got her rabies
vaccine, and it did seem to be hard on her. For a couple of days she seemed tender at the injection site, and was quieter than usual. Other than that,
she is well.

My theory about Cricket is that she was (and still is) the most highly
stressed by Cotton's arrival, and perhaps the affect on her immune system
contributed to her contracting FeLV.  The other two cats were boostered
once, and continue to be negative.

Anyone have any experience with heart murmurs?  I also wonder how this
relates to her FeLV+ status? She has not ever had a murmur before. The vet is going to recheck her, and if it is still present, he will order an echo, which I agree should be done promptly. She has an appointment in two weeks
to be re-evaluated.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Sandy Carter
Myca, Miss, Cricket and Cotton


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