Hi Sandy,
My Grace developed a heart murmur and it didn't seem to give her any trouble, she was pos and succumbed to anemia. I had her on Coq10, I don't know if it helped or not, but I've heard good things about it from others. I did hear that it shouldn't be stopped once started, I'm sorry I don't have any info to back that up. You might want to ask your vet about it, although many vets are not up on sups and their benefits. I've not heard that felv cats are more susceptible to heart murmurs. As Jenn suggested, you should find out what grade heart murmur it is before you stress out about it too much.

Could you please clarify for us exactly what the situation was with Cricket testing pos? I know that Cricket is 6 yrs old and you had her before you got Cotton. I know that the two of them have been fussing since day one and that Cricket has been depressed and stressed out by his presence. What I don't know is if Cricket had ever been tested before Cotton's arrival, or if Cricket had been vaccinated for felv before Cotton came to live with you. Could you tell us again how long you've had Cotton and how long you waited to test Cricket the second time with the IFA. I'm a big advocate for mixing and I'd really be interested to know what the specifics are.

Of course I too hope that all your babies stay healthy and strong. While we're hoping, let's put in a plea that Cricket and Cotton figure out a way to get along and stop stressing each other and everyone else out!

Dudes wrote:

What does every(any)one think about the new appearance of a heart murmur in my Cricket? Is this an uncommon symptom to appear in FeLV+ cats? I can't find much in research on the web.

And I am not sure that I feel the same way about mixing positives and negatives since Cricket is now positive. My vet says FeLV is the "friendly cat" disease, because cats that groom each other are most at risk of passing it along. Cricket and Cotton are anything but friendly to each other. But she did test positive for it before she and Cotton fought enough to draw blood and cause wounds. I just hope they both stay well, and my other two cats stay negative.
Sandy C.
Cricket, Cotton, Miss and Myca

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