Hi Phaewryn,
No, that's why we were so stumped, his blood work other than when he was anemic was ok and then it only showed his anemia, she had just checked it for the surgery and it was fine. I remember her mentioning pancreatitis way back but saying his blood work didn't back that up (she only mentioned it because of how uncomfortable he was when I fed him). I have copies of his blood work so I know she isn't lying to me. His glucose and other diabetes related values are within normal ranges.

He was on higher doses of pred and that probably kept the pancreas inflammation at bay and then I lowered his dose, with my vets permission because I was afraid of what it would do to him with long term use. This probably started the turn for the worse, I really believe unchecked inflammation can become cancerous. Although in all honesty there wasn't much difference in his energy level, or how uncomfortable he was when I fed him on the higher or lower dose so maybe things were already heading in a bad direction. I can see there are alot of things I will learn from this, I just wish the learning didn't come at such a high price.

I'm going to ask her if she thinks this is a recent development, the cancer anyway, his pancreas was probably inflamed for a while since eating seemed so uncomfortable for him. She did say she didn't think it was in anyway related to his FeLV+ status and had nothing to do with the anemia, just a secondary thing that happened.

I really wonder now if raw caused this pancreas problem to come on. He was eating raw for about 6 months before all this came about, though he loved it and gained weight and looked very healthy while eating raw, it may well have started all these problems, my other cats did not eat it as well as he did, they all stuck with the dry food I had to leave out for my 2 stubborn guys.


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